Items of Interest found in the Pennsylvania Gazette

The Pennsylvania Gazette was published in Philadelphia between approximately 1727/28 and 1800.

Mention of the terms “Rifle” or “Rifles.”

August 18, 1784

The Pennsylvania Gazette

York Town, June 26, 1784.

WHEREAS a certain JOHN JONES, of Augusta county, in the colony of Virginia (late of Westmoreland county of Pennsylvania, silversmith) obtained one bond or writing obligatory, from me the subscriber, bearing date respectively on the 13th day of January, 1775, conditioned for the payment of L 67 10, which was to have been paid in rifles, at the price of L 4 10 per piece, which being the residue of a purchase made of the said John Jones for 1000 acres of land: And whereas the said John Jones not having complied with his contract, I, the subscriber, therefore forewarn all persons whatever not to take an assignment on the said bond, as I am determined not to pay it, or any part thereof, until his contract is fully complied with. JOSEPH WELSHANS, sen.

November 8, 1780

The Pennsylvania Gazette

Copy of a letter from Major General Smallwood, dated New Moravian Town [Salem, NC], October 16, 1780.


"ON my route to the Yadkin I was informed, on the 14th instant, at Capt. Lindsay, about twelve miles south of Guilford Court House, that the tories in the upper part of Surry county had embodied and marched down through Richmond to the Old Moravian Town, with a view to cross at the Shallow Ford, in their way to join the British; their strength was reported to be 900.

On their way they plundered, disarmed and paroled many of the inhabitants; and determined to imprison and carry off others who had been more obnoxious. - This induced me to march with all possible expedition to this place, with an intention to attack and intercept them.

I arrived here about 12 o'yesterday, and immediately sent out scouts to obtain more certain intelligence of their real strength and situation, and in the interim assembled about two hundred militia volunteer horse, mostly with rifles, and proposed marching at 10 o'last night, in order to surprise them at break of day this morning, as I was well assured they could have no intelligence of the continental horse in this quarter: but upon the return of my scouts last evening they informed me, the enemy had attempted to cross the Shallow Ford on the Yadkin river, about 15 miles from the Moravian Towns, the day before, when they were attacked and defeated by Major Cloyd, with one hundred and sixty of the Virginia and Carolina militia...

May 12, 1779

The Pennsylvania Gazette

Extract of a letter from General SCHUYLER to General WASHINGTON, dated Albany, April 27, 1779.

Minutes and Proceedings of the Onondaga expedition.

...We took 33 Indians and one white man prisoners, and killed 12 Indians. The whole of their settlements, consisting of about 50 houses, with a large quantity of corn and beans, were burnt, a number of fine horses, and every other kind of stock we found were killed, about 100 guns, some of which were rifles, were found among the plunder, the whole of which, after the men had loaded themselves with as much as they could carry, was destroyed, with a considerable quantity of ammunition, one swivel, taken at the Council House, had the trunnions broke off, and was otherwise damaged, and in fine the destruction of all their settlements was compleat...

September 12, 1778

The Pennsylvania Packet

York County, August 17, 1778. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD.

STOLEN from Samuel Getty tavern, in the night of the 4th inst. by a man supposed to be a deserter, and who was seen the next day at Hopkins tavern below Lancaster, a black Horse...  The said thief is a stout able bodied fellow, with black hair and a down look; had on a tow shirt and drawers, a country cloth jacket, and carried a rifle  gun...

January 4, 1777

The Pennsylvania Packet

One Hundred and Ten Dollars Reward. DESERTED from Capt. Alexander Lawson Smith Company in the rifle battalion commanded by Col. Rawlings...  Reily and Fitzpatrick deserted together Dec. 17, and took with them their knapsacks, blankets, canteens and rifle...

November 13, 1776

The Pennsylvania Gazette

Bergen, September 9, 1776. SIXTEEN DOLLARS Reward.

DESERTED from Captain DANIEL OLDENBRUSH'S company, in Col. JAMES CUNNINGHAM'S battalion of the Flying Camp, a certain John Dollinger, aged 19 years, about 5 feet 4 or 5 inches high, dark complexion, smooth faced, blackish straight hair; had on, a dark hunting shirt and trowsers, and had a short rifle  with him...

July 3, 1776

The Pennsylvania Gazette


DESERTED from the first battalion of the rifle regiment in the service of Pennsylvania, commanded by Col. SAMUEL MILES, and in Captain ANDREW LONG'S company, quartered at Marcus Hook, the following persons, viz...  William Rich, about 40 years of age, 5 feet 9 inches high, dark complexion, black hair mixed with grey, and grey eyes, by trade a butcher, and fond of strong liquor; had on, and took with him, an old felt hat, with a tow string round the crown, a black hunting shirt and trowsers, a very good rifle  gun, and a blanket...

March 6, 1776

The Pennsylvania Gazette

EXTRAORDINARY Wages will be given to two or three Journeymen Gunsmiths, who are skilled in Stocking of Muskets and Rifles. Likewise good Encouragement will be given to a Gunlock Filer, that can make Musket Locks. --- Apply to THOMAS PALMER, the North Side of Market street, between Fourth and Fifth streets, Philadelphia.

N.B. Any person that has Skill to accomplish either of the aforesaid Branches, may, if they choose, work Piece work, and receive their Cash every Saturday Afternoon; or a Sum of Money will be advanced to them, by giving Security for the Delivery of their Work.

May 3, 1775

The Pennsylvania Gazette


RUN away, last night, from the subscriber, living near Bush river, Harford county, Maryland, 7 English servant men...  They had and took away with them a country square barrelled, smooth bore GUN, rifle stocked, one pistol, and other firearms...

August 10, 1774

The Pennsylvania Gazette


RAN away from the subscriber, living in Lebanon Town, Lancaster County, the two following servants, viz. JOE, a mulattoe man, about 5 feet 6 inches high, remarkably white, about 28 years of age, a stout well made fellow, with grey eyes; had on and took with him...  a good rifle gun, a pair of pistols...

February 17, 1773

The Pennsylvania Gazette

To be SOLD very cheap, for cash only, by CONRAD BATIS, Living in Market street, next door to the corner of Third street, opposite to the goal, in Philadelphia, A QUANTITY of this country and German made RIFLES, both cut and smooth bores, in the best manner...

September 16, 1772

The Pennsylvania Gazette


RUN AWAY from his special bail, a certain WILLIAM HEADLESTONE, an Irish man, about 5 feet 6 inches high, about 26 years of age, red faced, small eyes, strait yellow hair; had on, and took with him...  a half rifle gun, stocked rifle  fashion...

August 26, 1772

The Pennsylvania Gazette


Has imported in the Chalkley, and other vessels from Bristol, a neat assortment of IRONMONGERY, which he has for sale, wholesale and retail, at his ironmongery store, at the sign of the Crown and Anvil, in Market street, about Fourth street, and opposite the sign of the Conestogoe Waggon, where such persons as will please to favour him with their custom, may be supplied with the following articles, at the very lowest prices, and of the best qualities, viz. ANVILS, vizes, beak irons, sledge and hand hammers, mill and crosscut saws, Stedmanrefined and common steel plate, hand, pannel, and tennant ditto; sash, dovetail, compass, and woodcutters saws; 24 and 26 inch common iron ditto; flat, half round, 3 square, and round files, from 3 to 14 inches; long and short firmers, from 1/8th to 2 inches, mortice, turning and socket chissels and gouges; plane irons of most sizes and kinds; brass and iron headed shovels and tongs; 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 inch brass knob locks; brass knob bow and long latches; 4, 5, and 6 inch iron rim locks; chest, cupboard, clockcase, and prospect ditto; padlocks, of various sorts; horse ditto; rifle gun barrels and locks; 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 and 14 inch stock locks; brass handles and escutcheons for desks, drawers, &c. locks for ditto; 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 inch brass H hinges; deskfall, prospect, and clockcase ditto; deskfall and cupboard brass locks; brass knobs, turn buttons, and cloak pins, of various sizes; silvered coffin furniture; 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 inch iron H and HL hinges; rule joint, table, writing desk, dovetail, and chest ditto, of several sizes; 2d. 3d. 4d. 5d. and 6d. sprigs; trunk, clout, and hob nails; tenter hooks and tacks; 3d. 4d. 6d. 8d. 10d. 12d. and 20d. nails; 1/2 inch to 1 1/2 inch very best bright augers; center, spool, chair, pinning, and dowel bitts; common and kirby fishhooks; snap and wire mousetraps; steel mink ditto; drawing knives; carpenters and coopers axes and adzes; faggotted, blistered and German steel; shoemakers hammers, pincers, nippers, awl blades, and tacks; steel coffee and box spicemills; steelyards; curriers quarter and half knives, with steels for ditto; sash lines, and box pullies; spinning wheel and flat irons; buck, shambuck, and split bone table knives and forks; butchers knives, 1/2 inch to 2 1/2 inch woodscrews; 8 by 6, 9 by 7, 10 by 8, 11 by 9, and 12 by 10, Taylorwindow glass, and putty to put the same in with; 11 by 11, 12 by 12, and 16 by 12, glass for clock faces; castiron bakeovens, saucepans, skillets, griddles, or bake plates, waggon boxes, pestles and mortars, chafing dishes, brass kettles, grindstones, &c. &c. with a number of articles, not here inserted. N. B. Glass cut for clock faces, surveying instruments, window or door lights, either round, oval, or to any pattern or dimensions, at a very reasonable price.

May 14, 1772

The Pennsylvania Gazette

SAMUEL HOWELL and SON, At their store, in Chestnut street, near Front street, HAVING determined to decline the importation of dry goods, will sell their stock of goods on hand much lower than their general prices, either for cash of short credit, viz...  German made rifle barrels...

December 12, 1771

The Pennsylvania Gazette


RUN away, the 27th of May last, from the subscribers, living in Carlisle, the following Irish servant men, viz...  MICHAEL STEWART, about 35 years of age, 5 feet 5 inches high, a straight smart fellow, has black hair, generally clubbed, fresh complexion; had on a hat, newly dyed, lined with white linen, black coat, red breeches, worsted stockings, old shoes, tied with strings; took with him a rifle  gun, 2 feet 10 inches long in the barrel, brass mounted, had a silver thumb piece, very light and handy; he has a regular discharge from the army, which he may pass by..

September 19, 1771

The Pennsylvania Gazette


RUN away, last night, from the subscriber, living at Legh Furnace, Little Pipe creek, Frederick county, the two following Irish servant men, viz. ANDREW REDMOND, a well made, about 5 feet 10 or 11 inches high, about 30 years of age, wears his own hair, and is of a dark complexion, by trade a turner and spinning wheel maker...  he took with him some white shirts, and a rifle barrel gun...

September 19, 1771

The Pennsylvania Gazette

Late imported from LONDON and BRISTOL, and to be sold, on the cheapest terms, by DANIEL BENEZET, At his store, in Arch street, four doors below the corner of Second street...  long and short rifle gun barrels; fowling pieces, and musket ditto...  a large assortment of true Hessian blue melting pots, for founders use, &c...

July 25, 1771

The Pennsylvania Gazette

Lately imported from London and Bristol, and to be sold, on the cheapest terms, by DANIEL BENEZET, At his store, in Arch street, four doors below the corner of Second street, THE best kind of German black melting pots, of different sizes, for founders use; sheet brass, sheet iron, for stove pipes, brass kettles, sorted, in nests, rifle and other gun barrels, steel, in half faggots, marked A.C. No. 3, pig brass, cotton and wool cards, iron and brass wire, pewter dishes, basons and plates, F and FF gunpowder, lead and shot...

October 4, 1770

The Pennsylvania Gazette

SAMUEL HOWELL HAS, at his Store, in Water street, near Chestnut street... 100 German Rifle Barrels, and Locks...

August 17, 1769

The Pennsylvania Gazette

We learn from good Authority, that on the 10th Instant, at 9 o'Clock in the Morning, about 2 Miles beyond Juniata, 25 Horse loads of Indian Goods, going to Fort Pitt, belonging to Mr. Robert Callender, were stopped by about 30 Men armed, and their Faces painted black, swearing at the Drivers, that unless they quitted the Horses, they would fire upon them; that it was War with the Indians, and they would destroy the Goods. The Drivers begged they would not destroy the Goods, as they would return with them, or store them; but the People would not consent, and began to unload the Horses, burn and destroy the Goods, when Justice Limes fortunately came up, and thereby prevented their destroying them all. Those they have destroyed, or carried off, are 3 Keggs of Powder, 8 Pieces of Strouds, 8 Rifles, a large Number of Shirts, 14 Match Coats, and 4 Pieces of Halfthicks. The Goods that were saved, are stored about 8 Miles on this Side Fort Bedford.

March 9, 1769

The Pennsylvania Gazette

IMPORTED in the last vessels from London, Bristol and Liverpool, and to be sold on the very cheapest terms, by DANIEL and JOHN BENEZET, And THOMAS BARTOW, At their store, at the corner of Arch and Second streets; the following large assortment of GOODS, viz...  best white French oil flints; common English ditto...  rifle, fowling piece, and common gun barrels; brass mounting furniture for ditto; common, flat and half round fence gun locks...

January 26, 1769

The Pennsylvania Gazette

RUN away from his bail, on the 9th of this inst. January, JOHN DAVIS, this country born, about 21 years of age, about 5 feet 5 inches high, of a sandy complexion, freckled, had a pretty large scar on the instep of one of his feet, occasioned by the cut of an ax, and he is pretty talkative...  he took with him a smooth rifle gun...

November 5, 1767

The Pennsylvania Gazette

Just imported from Europe, in the Sally, Captain Osman, and to be SOLD by CONRAD KEEHMLE, At his Warehouse in Fourth street, near Vine street, on very reasonable Terms...  an Assortment of excellent Barrels for Rifles, with the best Locks...

October 8, 1767

The Pennsylvania Gazette

BY virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be sold, by public vendue, on the premises, on Monday, the 26th day of October inst. about 12 o, a messuage, plantation, and tract of tolerable good land thereunto belonging, containing 150 acres, ten acres of which is good meadow, situate in the township of Middletown, in the county of Chester...  Likewise will be sold, horses, mares, some swine, two young heifers, a good pump, partly new, a good clock, feather and chaff beds, and bedding, a good cart, plows and harrow, and other implements of husbandry, a fufee and rifle gun, a parcel of pewter, a good whip, cross cut, and hand saw, some carpenters and joiners tools, a parcel of oak and poplar boards, inch and half inch thick; well seasoned, wheat and rye in the ground, some Indian corn, a quantity of good hay, a grindstone, a snow sleigh, and sundry things, too tedious to mention; late the estate and effects of William Noblit; seized in execution and to be sold by JOHN MORTON, Sheriff.

July 3, 1766

The Pennsylvania Gazette

WAS LOST, on the 8th or 9th of May last, on the great Road betwixt HarrisFerry and Shippensburgh, a German rifle Gun, about two Feet in the Barrel, large Bore, carved Stock, a white Metal Lion upon the Barrel, near the Lock, with a Scepter in his Paw, double Tricker, double Sight, the under Brass or Copper, and the upper Iron. Whoever delivers said Gun to the Subscriber, or to Robert Sample, in Carlisle, or to John Miller, above Carlisle, shall have TWO DOLLARS Reward, paid by me THOMAS SIMPSON.

June 5, 1766

The Pennsylvania Gazette

RUN away from his Bail, about the 24th of May instant, a Native Irishman, named John Green, about 41 Years of Age, about 5 Feet 7 or 8 Inches high, of a fresh Complexion, wears a Silk Cap, is a very great Snuff Taker; had with him a new Silver Watch, also a rifle gun...

November 15, 1764

The Pennsylvania Gazette


DESERTED from their Station, at David Patton, in Paxton Township, Lancaster County, on the Fourth of this instant November, two Soldiers, of Captain Graidon Company; one of them named George Little, otherwise George Kline, born in Lebanon Township, Lancaster County, a Son of Henry Little, 21 Years of Age, no Trade, 5 Feet 4 Inches high, fair Complexion, fair and thin Hair, cut short on the Crown, walks somewhat stooping, is apt to look down when he speaks, or is spoken to, talks pretty good English; had on, when he deserted, a blue Broadcloth Coat, an embossed Flannel under Jacket, black Velvet Breeches, and has taken sundry other Clothes, and a Rifle Gun...

September 20, 1764

The Pennsylvania Gazette

DESERTED His MajestyService, the following Soldiers, belonging to the First Battalion of the Pennsylvania Regiment...  They stole and took with them 5 Rifle Guns...

September 6, 1764

The Pennsylvania Gazette

Imported from Liverpool, and to be sold for prime Cost, at ROBERT TOWERS, Between the Presbyterian Meeting and Strawberry Alley, in Market street...  rifle double barrel and smooth bore guns, pistols, flints, bullet and shot molds, with a variety of other things...

June 7, 1764

The Pennsylvania Gazette

Horsham Township, June 1, 1764.

WHEREAS George Yeordon, and Peter Patrick, were by Virtue of a Search Warrant, brought before me, one of the Justices, &c. and in their Custody were found two Firelocks, the one a Rifle , the other a round Bore...

October 6, 1763

The Pennsylvania Gazette

An express arrived in town yesterday, with letters to his Honour the Governor from Col. Stephen, by which we have the following advices, viz.  That a Party of Indians attacked 6 men in Weltonmeadow, on Loonycreek, the 20th of August, about XI at night...  On receiving this intelligence, Col. Stephen ordered Major Wilson and Captain Collins of the Hampshire militia to raise two companies of voluntiers, and pursue the enemy, as soon as they could possibly provide themselves with Provisions. Major Wilson took the rout of Loonycreek; and Capt. Collins being ordered to reconnoiter the head branches of Pattersoncreek, he fell in with the Major party at the foot of the Allegheny mountains. After communicating intelligence, they thought it advisable to pursue the Indians over the mountains; accordingly, on the 30th of August, after a pursuit of 120 miles, over as rugged mountains as can be found, they came up with them on a branch of the Monongahela. Being on fresh tracks in the evening, Major Wilson was certain that their encampment was at no great distance; he therefore detached parties different ways in the night, to listen for horse bells, or see if they could discover fire...  Major Wilson, however, routed the party, took 3 Indian scalps, wounded many more, and took 11 rifles and 2 smooth barrel guns from them, with all their war equipage, and retook a number of horses...

September 15, 1763

The Pennsylvania Gazette

RUN away from the Subscriber, living in Baltimore Town, Maryland, on the 27th of August last, an Apprentice, named Zachariah Rigton, between 19 and 20 Years old, by Trade a Bricklayer and Stone Mason, was born in this County, but can speak good High Dutch...  There went off in his Company a Man, who goes by the Name of Absalom Hines or Haynes, who is short and well set, says he has been a Ranger, and among the Indians for some Time past; has a Rifle Gun with him...

September 8, 1763

The Pennsylvania Gazette

...In other Letters from Lancaster County it is said, That the Indians were seen dragging off several of their Dead and Wounded, but that it was thought not proper to follow them too far, being in the Enemy Country: That the next Day our Party was attacked twice by the Indians, but beat off without any loss: That some of our Men came to a Fire, where there were three Indians, whom they killed and scalped; they had some Indian Goods with them: That they brought in some Rifles, and other Plunder, and were in high Spirits, having beat 50 Indian Warriors, notwithstanding they had the first Fire at them...

September 1, 1763

The Pennsylvania Gazette

...From Fort Bedford we have Advice, that a scouting Party of Colonel Stevens Voluntiers on the Virginia Frontier, towards Winchester, lately fell in with a Party of Indians on Potowmack, about 25 Miles from Fort Cumberland, and routed them, killing and scalping One, wounding several, and recovering two Prisoners, and three Scalps, taken four Days before; they took from the Enemy four Rifles, and many Horses as were reckoned worth One Hundred Pounds, and a great Deal of other Plunder; and all without having a Man killed or wounded...

July 28, 1763

The Pennsylvania Gazette

GOD Save the KING. Extract of a Letter from Cumberland, in Frederick County, Maryland, dated July 16, 1763, One o'Clock in the Morning.

"Just now I received a melancholy Account from Colonel Cresap, which is as follows, viz. That on the 13th Instant the Indians fired upon six Men shucking Wheat in the Colonel Field, and killed one Man, but were prevented from scalping him, by another firing upon them as they ran up. On the 14th five Indians fired upon fifteen Men, as they were sitting, standing and lying under a large Tree, at the End of Col. Cresaplane, about 100 Yards from his House, and wounded one Man, but on being fired at by the white Men, who wounded one or more of them, as appeared by the great Quantity of Blood found on their Tracks, they immediately ran off, and were pursued, but could not be overtaken. Some Time after several Guns were fired in the Woods adjacent, on which a Party went in Quest of them, and found three Breves just killed. On the 15th, about Ten o'Clock in the Morning, as Mr. Welder was going to a House of his, about 300 Yards distant from Mr. Cresap, with three Men, and several Women, the Indians, to the Amount of 20, or upwards, rushed on them from a riding Ground, but on being perceived by the white Party they ran back, hallooing, which being heard by the People at the House, they immediately went to their Assistance, and met them and the Indians at the End of Col. Cresap Lane, about 100 Yards from his House, as mentioned before, on which the Enemy immediately fired on them, and killed Mr. Welder; the Party of White Men returned their Fire, killed one of them dead on the Spot, and wounded several more, as appeared by the Blood left in the Field, and on their Tracks. --- The Colonel expects daily to be further distressed, and is in much Want of Assistance: The Indians are gone towards the Cove, below Bedford, and it is suspected they are the Party that went to the Southward some Time ago, as we have got two Rifles, and one smooth Bore, which Col. Cresap son thinks belonged to those who went there, with a great many other Implements, which they were obliged to leave behind them.  The Indians were very bold and daring for some Time, and one more so in particular, who cut Mr. Welder in the Back, and divided his Ribs from the Back Bone, after he was shot down, but we prevented his being scalped. Mr. Cresap youngest Son scalped the Indian. The other Person killed was one Wade; the Person wounded Richard Morris...

July 8, 1762

The Pennsylvania Gazette

JUST landed, a select Parcel of SAWS, of all Denominations, and a Variety of other Tools, peculiar to Carpenters, Joiners and Coopers, which, on the Whole, makes a very large Assortment; and as I have had long Experience of what is necessary for the above Artists, I will confine myself to them only, with all the Care I can, and sell off a Variety of other Hardware and cutlery, &c. on the lowest Terms, either for Cash or short Credit; and be it known to them who have enquired for the best PIT SAWS, such as I had formerly, that they are now come to Hand, with the Addition of six Inches, which makes them seven Feet and a Half; also a large Parcel of Turkey Oil Stones, and a neat Assortment of birding and fowling Pieces, and a valuable Rifle Gun; and all Sorts of Planes made as formerly, the third House turning up from Church alley, in Third street, by SAMUEL CARRUTHERS.

June 4, 1761

The Pennsylvania Gazette

Just imported in the last Ships from London, &c. and to be sold by FRANCIS and RELFE, At their Store in Front street, the Corner of Chestnut street, the following Goods...  rifle gun barrels and locks, gunpowder, oil flints...

March 5, 1761

The Pennsylvania Gazette

FRANCIS and RELFE, In Front street, the Corner of Chestnut street, HAVE renewed their large assortment of dry goods of every kind, by the Boreas Frigate, just arrived from London; and who have likewise to sell...  rifle gun barrels, the best sort of gunpowder...

July 31, 1760

The Pennsylvania Gazette

The following Particulars are mentioned in other Letters, viz.

THAT the Action between the Army and the Cherokees on the 27th ult. began at 8 or 9 in the Morning, and continued between 4 and 5 Hours, with little Intermission. That some of Capt. Morrison Company supposed the Indians in the Thicket that Day to be about 500. That there were some Men killed of the Provincials and Rangers, and two of Morrison Company slightly wounded. That Morrison behaved like a gallant good Officer till he fell; and his company returned with the Regulars to Fort Prince George, who offer to continue in the Service, under the Command of Lieutenant Patrick Calhoun. That Captains Grinnan, and O'Neal, of the Rangers, and some other of our Officers, behaved with great Spirit. That there were at least 500 Bushels of Indian Corn found in the Town of Etchowee. That some of the Army Flour was thrown into the River, in order to get Horses for the Wounded. That Capt. Williams (who is much regretted in every Letter) lost his Life in going to support Capt. Morrison. That the Number of Indians killed may be about 50; and that, having many Rifles among them, they did Execution at a greater Distance than our People could...

April 17, 1760

The Pennsylvania Gazette


Fort Prince George (Keowee) Feb. 28. "Mr. Coytmore died of his Wound 25th Inst. the Day after the last Express set out.  The same Day one of the soldiers was shot in the North East Angle of the Fort, from the Hills on the other Side of the River: He died of the Wound Yesterday. We have Reason to believe the Indians have a good many rifle barrel Guns amongst them, as their Bullets seem to come this Way with great Force.

Items of Interest found in the Pennsylvania Gazette - Part II