Items of Interest found in the Pennsylvania Gazette, continued.
Mention of the terms “Rifle” or “Rifles,” continued.
October 25, 1759
The Pennsylvania Gazette
Paxton, Lancaster County, October 4, 1759.
Borrowed or stolen, out of the House of John Harris, of Paxton Township, Lancaster County, a certain Gun, stocked with wild red Cherry Tree, about four Feet long in the Barrel, near one Foot next the Breech square, and the other Parts of the Barrel filed round, and near the said square Part the Gun is brazed, and the Brass appears on the Barrel, and on the Side Plate marked thus I H with an Iron Sight behind after the Rifle Form, and a raised Silver Sight before, pretty long, and neatly finished off, as is the whole gun. Whoever returns said Gun to John Harris, in six Weeks from this Date in good Order, shall have no Questions asked; but on the contrary, if any Person or Persons secure the Gun and Thief, so that the Owner may get his Gun, and the Thief be brought to Justice, shall receive Three Pounds Reward, paid by JOHN HARRIS.
June 15, 1758
The Pennsylvania Gazette
THIRTY FIVE POUNDS Reward. DESERTED from Capt. Charles Garraway Company, of the first Battalion in the Pennsylvania Regiment... They all had their Regimentals, green faced with red, and Hill and Miller had new rifles.
February 6, 1756
The Pennsylvania Gazette
Extract of a Letter from Easton, January 30. "Last Friday a Party of Capt. John Van Etten's Men fell in with a Party of Indians in Upper Smithfield, and killed and scalped two of them, and have good Reason to believe they wounded four or five more mortally. They got a Booty of two Guns, one of which a Rifle, the other a smooth bored French Gun; a fine Pipe Hatchet, and three Match coats. One of the slain Indians is thought to be the famous Captain Jacobs. None of our People received any Hurt."
April 24, 1755
The Pennsylvania Gazette
RUN away on the 30th of March last, from the subscribers, living near Augusta Court house... Francis Adams, about 5 feet 10 inches high, brown curled hair, and by trade a shoemaker: Had on when he went away, a black jacket, and buckskin breeches. Took with him a rifle gun, and a black dog...
January 2, 1753
The Pennsylvania Gazette
Philadelphia, January 2, 1753.
Stolen out of a pasture belonging to the subscriber, living in Springfield, Burlington county, on the 19th of December last, A bright bay mare... she is supposed to be stole by one John Jones, the same man that stole Morris Gwin's mare, at Abington, near Philadelphia, and sold her to Robert Chambers, near Trenton; he is of a middle stature, dark complexion, black hair, is a bold fellow, a notorious thief, and carries a rifle barrel gun with him...
July 18, 1751
The Pennsylvania Gazette
Run away, on the 12th inst. from William Oakford, at the head of Alloway Creek, Salem county... The said servants took with them a bay horse, has got the pole evil, and paces well; a rifle barrel gun, and a large yellow dog, with a white ring round his neck...
February 27, 1750
The Pennsylvania Gazette
All persons indebted to the estate of Michael Hillegas, deceased, are hereby desired to come and pay their respective debts; and those that have any demands against said estate, are desired to bring in their accounts, that they may be settled by MARGARET HILLEGAS, and MICHAEL HILLEGAS, junr. administrators.
N.B. Said Michael Hillegas hath now by him a choice parcel of copper stills, rifles, and sundry sorts of goods, by retail, which he will dispose of very cheap.
July 30, 1741
The Pennsylvania Gazette
PETER TURNER intending for London, desires all Persons indebted to him, to settle and ballance their Accounts... To be Sold by said Turner, at the House late Mr. William Preston's, in Front Street... Rifle barrel Guns, Bucaneers, with several sorts of fowling Pieces..
September 13, 1739
The Pennsylvania Gazette
RUN away on the 6th Inst. from Thomas Rees, of Heydelburg Township, Lancaster County, a Servant Lad, named Richard Beddes, aged about 17 Years, has light bushy Hair: Had on an old striped linsey Jacket, old linnen Shirt, new Linnen Breeches and an old Hat, no Shoes nor Stockings. Took with him a smooth Rifle Gun. Whoever brings the said Servant to his said Master, or secures him in the County Goal, so that he may be had again, shall have Three Pounds Reward and reasonable Charges, paid by Thomas Rees.
Mention of the terms, “Gun Smith” or “Gunsmith.”
November 5, 1778
The Pennsylvania Packet
Philadelphia, November 4.
To be SOLD by Public Vendue, On Tuesday next the tenth instant, SUNDRY Working Tools, some Muskets, Musket Barrels, Gun Locks, a Silver Watch, Shoe and Knee Buckles, Wearing Apparel, &c. being the effects belonging to the estate of SAMUEL KINDER, late of this city, blacksmith and gunsmith, deceased...
April 9, 1777
The Pennsylvania Gazette
DESERTED, between the first and middle of March, from the first Pennsylvania Regiment, viz... John McClelland, an Irishman, much pitted with the smallpox, about 5 feet 6 or 7 inches high, by trade a gunsmith, long hair, which he commonly wears clubbed...
June 26, 1776
The Pennsylvania Gazette
WANTED immediately, TWO or three good Hands, that understand welding Gun barrels; or good Smiths, inclined to be instructed in the said Business; also wanted three good Hands to blow and strike in the said Business: Any such Persons may meet with good Encouragement, by applying to JOSHUA TOMLINSON, at the Gulph Mill, near Lancaster Road, 14 Miles from Philadelphia. For Particulars, apply to JOHN NICHOLSON, Gunsmith , near the Drawbridge, Philadelphia. N.B. An Apprentice, not under 14 Years of Age, is wanted to learn the welding, boring, and grinding of Gun barrels. Apply as above.
April 10, 1776
The Pennsylvania Gazette
ONE HUNDRED and TWELVE DOLLARS Reward. DESERTED from Captain JOHN HULING Company of the Second Pennsylvania Battalion, commanded by Col. ARTHUR ST. CLAIR, the following persons, viz... John Ferguson, a well set fellow, 21 years of age, 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, black hair, of a dark complexion, by trade a gunsmith...
January 24, 1776
The Pennsylvania Gazette
RUN away from the subscriber, living near the Drawbridge, in Front street, Philadelphia, on Friday, the 19th of January, 1776, an indented servant man, named Richard Trusted, a native of Old England, born in London, by trade a Gun stocker, 21 years of age... he is a very artful fellow, much given to lying, and may perhaps forge a pass. Whoever takes up the said servant, and secures him in goal, so that his master may get him again, shall have the above reward, paid by JOHN NICHOLSON, Gunsmith.
September 6, 1775
The Pennsylvania Gazette
Baltimore Town, August 20, 1775. TEN POUNDS Reward.
RUN away from the subscriber, an English convict servant man, named Benjamin Sagers, a blacksmith and gunsmith by trade...
May 3, 1775
The Pennsylvania Gazette
WANTED IMMEDIATELY, TWO or three JOURNEYMEN GUNSMITHS, who understand said Business, will have good Wages given them, by applying to THOMAS PALMER, Gunsmith, the North Side of Market street, between Fourth and Fifth streets, Philadelphia. N. B. Likewise wanted, a well disposed LAD, as an Apprentice, about 14 or 15 Years of Age.
December 7, 1774
The Pennsylvania Gazette
Oley Furnace, Berks County, October 17, 1774.
ABSCONDED from his Bail a certain WILLIAM DEWEES, otherwise called WILLIAM KROOK, by Trade a Blacksmith, but pretends to be a complete Gunsmith...
March 16, 1774
The Pennsylvania Gazette
THO: PALMER GUN SMITH AT his Shop, on the North Side of Market street, between Fourth and Fifth streets, hath for Sale, a Quantity of well made RIFLES, that he will dispose of very low for Cash. He likewise makes all Sorts of SHOT GUNS , such as straight Rifles, Cocking pieces, Fuzees, &c. in the best and neatest Manner, which hath gained the Approbation of some of the best Judges within the three Provinces. He also repairs old Work, in the most careful Manner. All Persons who will please to favour him with their Custom, may depend upon his Punctuality and Dispatch. N.B. All Persons who have any Demands against the Estate of WILLIAM PALMER, deceased, are desired to bring in their Accounts to the Subscribers, that they may be adjusted; and those who are indebted to said Estate, are requested to make immediate Payment, to JOHN PALMER, JONATHAN PALMER, and THOMAS PALMER, Executors.
June 15, 1774
The Pennsylvania Gazette
JUST ARRIVED, in the Brigantine Dolphin, JOHN RANDALL, Master, from LONDON, A NUMBER of likely young MEN and WOMEN SERVANTS AND REDEMPTIONERS... among them are the following Tradesmen - Blacksmiths and Whitesmiths, Silversmiths, Chasers and Piercers, Butchers, Brush makers, Breeches makers, Clerks, Carpenters and Joiners, Coopers, Distillers, Druggists, Felt makers, Gardiners, Gunstock makers, Grooms, Hemp and Flax dressers, Hairdressers, Sawyers, a Lapidary, Paper stainers, Potters, Gentlemens Servants, Schoolmakers, Watch case makers, Weavers, Spinners, some Farmers, and a Number of Men and Lads, who have been used to Labour.
September 15, 1773
The Pennsylvania Gazette
THIS NOTICE IS GIVEN TO THE PUBLIC, THAT HENRY DEABAREAR, Gunsmith, IS removed into Second street, opposite the Sign of the Buck, in the house where Henry Miller, Printer, formerly lived, where he follows his usual business, such as gun work and spring lancet making, likewise cupping springs and teeth instruments, and sells guns and gun barrels, also a great assortment of gun locks, and pistols for holsters and the pocket, and keeps good powder, and all sorts of shot, to sell in the retail way, for gunners and good customers. Sept. 7, 1773.
March 31, 1773
The Pennsylvania Gazette
THO. PALMER GUN SMITH. At his Shop, the North Side of Market street, between Fourth and Fifth streets, HAS for SALE, a Quantity of well made RIFLES, of different Lengths and Sizes of Bores, which he will insure to the Purchasers, to be as good and as handsomely fitted up as any made in America; he likewise makes Fowling Pieces, of different Sizes, such as have been approved of by Gentlemen of this City. All Persons that will please to favour him with their Custom, shall be served with great Dispatch and Care. N.B. He repairs old Guns in the most careful Manner.
October 25, 1770
The Pennsylvania Gazette
THOMAS PALMER, Gunsmith, TAKES this method to inform the public, that he is now returned home to his shop in the Northern Liberties, about half a mile from Dr. Redmancountry seat, where he intends to carry on the business of making and repairing of rifles and other guns, likewise making of smithbellows, &c. N.B. He has got a very curious machine for cutting the screws on the brass elbows for the fire engines, and he will ensure them to be much truer than those cut in a lathe. All persons that will please to favour him with their custom, may depend upon being served with care and dispatch.
August 16, 1770
The Pennsylvania Gazette
Philadelphia, August 11, 1770.
HENRY DEABAREAR, Gunsmith, IS removed from Second street into Market street, next door but one to the Sign of the Black Bear; where he follows the Gunsmithtrade, in all its branches, as usual; any gentlemen or others, who please to favour him with their custom, may be sure of having their work done in the neatest manner, and with the greatest dispatch; also to be sold, made by him, spring lancets, cupping, and tooth drawing instruments. He likewise has all sorts of pistols for sale.
May 31, 1770
The Pennsylvania Gazette
RUN away from the Subscriber, on the 30th Day of March last, living near Elk Ridge, in Maryland, a Convict Servant Man, named SAMUEL ALLSWORTH, about 5 Feet 6 or 7 Inches high, about 22 Years of Age, by Trade a Gunstocker, has short curled brown Hair, brown Complexion, and walks with his Toes much out: Had on, and took with him a brown Cotton Jacket and Breeches, Ozenbrigs Shirt, Yarn Stockings, old Shoes, Half worn Felt Hat, and two Pair old Ozenbrigs Trowsers. He is well acquainted about MacCallisterTown, and it is supposed he will change his Name and Cloathing. He went while there by the Name JOHN WILLIAMS. Whoever takes up the said Servant, and brings him to me, shall receive TWENTY DOLLARS Reward, paid by SAMUEL POOLE.
March 31, 1768
The Pennsylvania Gazette
WHEREAS oath hath been made before me the subscriber, one of his Majesty justices of the peace, in and for the county of Berks, by William Graff, of the town of Reading, gunsmith...
August 8, 1765
The Pennsylvania Gazette
TO be SOLD, by public Vendue, at the London Coffee house, on Saturday, the 24th of this instant, August, at Six o'Clock in the Evening, a three Story Brick House, and Lot of Ground... For further Particulars enquire of William Rush, Gun smith in Arch street, or Ezra Cary, in the Northern Liberties.
July 26, 1764
The Pennsylvania Gazette
CHRISTOPHER FREDERICK FOWELL, JEWELLER, at Mr. Rush, Gunsmith, in Arch street, between Front and Second streets, makes all Sorts of Jewellers Work, in a most curious and neat Manner... Such Gentlemen and Ladies as will be pleased to encourage and favour him with their Custom, may depend on receiving entire Satisfaction, from their humble Servant, CHRISTOPHER FREDERICK FOWELL.
September 17, 1761
The Pennsylvania Gazette
WHEREAS the Shop of William Palmer, Gunsmith, of Philadelphia, was on Thursday Night last, broke open, and several Things of Value stolen, viz. a very neat Fowling piece, with a blue Barrel, and double Bridle Lock, Maker Name Wilson, mounted with Brass Furniture, neatly engraved...
December 18, 1760
The Pennsylvania Gazette
DESERTED from His majesty 17th Regiment of Foot, commanded by the Honourable Brigadier General ROBERT MONCKTON... NEEDHAM PEET, aged 35 Years, 5 Feet 6 Inches and an Half high, born in London, dark swarthy Complexion, stoops a little in his Walk, well made in Body and Limbs, by Trade a Gunsmith...
November 3, 1757
The Pennsylvania Gazette
DESERTED from His Majesty Forty fourth Regiment of Foot, commanded by Colonel James Abercrombie, the following Soldiers... Marmaduke Smith, 5 Feet 6 Inches high, 21 Years of Age, by Trade a Gunsmith, born in England, swarthy Complexion, black Hair, round faced, well made...
July 2, 1752
The Pennsylvania Gazette
Extract of a Letter from Reading, June 29. 1752.
...A sad Accident happen here likewise on Friday last: One Wolfgang Haggan, a gunsmith, snapping a gun carelessly in his shop, a Spark firabout three Pounds of Powder, that lay near him, which burnt him in a terrible Manner; and forcing its Way thro'to the upper Floor, overturn a Cask of near One Hundred Weight of Powder, which blowing off, rent the house from the first Story into a thousand Pieces. The Shock was felt thro'the whole Town; but happily no other Mischief ensured, and thought the Man will recover...
December 5, 1751
The Pennsylvania Gazette
All persons indebted to the estate of John Rush, late of this city Gun smith, deceased, are hereby desired to discharge the same: And all those that have any demands against said estate, are desired to bring in their accounts, in order to be adjusted, by William Rush, Black smith, and Susannah Rush, Execut. There is likewise to be sold, A likely Negroe woman, has had the small pox and measels. Likewise a parcel of Blacksmiths and Gunsmiths tools, such as are fit for rifelling, to be disposed of; and a Smithshop to be lett.
August 31, 1749
The Pennsylvania Gazette
PHILADELPHIA, August 31. 1749.
By the last Post from New York, we had Accounts of several Robberies lately committed in that Government. 'Tis now supposed some of the Gang who committed them may have removed hither. For, last Friday Evening, a Chair, in which Mr. Thomas Green and Mr. Jacob Kollock, were coming to Town, was stopp'd on the Road, and their Money demanded by two Men on foot with Pistols. They took from Mr. Green a Dollar, and a half Dollar, some small Bills, and his Silver Shoe Buckles. Soon after this, the same Fellows met a Dutchman coming to Town, and robb'd him also of what Money he had. That same Evening, Mr. Green's Son, who was on Horseback with his Father when robbed, saw the two Men pass by his Father's Door, as they were coming into Town, and calling our Stop Thieves, they ran forward; but were immediately pursued and taken in the Street; and came before William Allen Esq; where they were searched and two pistols found on them, loaded with cut Shot, and in their Pockets some Powder, cut slug Shot, and Pistol Bullets, with the Money taken from Mr. Green, and one of his Shoe Buckles; during their Examination, another Pistol, dropt by one of them when he was taken, was brought in, loaded likewise. They were committed to Prison. The Names Thomas Fielding and James Johnson, said to be Sailors. The next Day their Chests were searched, and several Things of Value found; particularly two Silver Spoons, mark'd T.F. but had had another Mark, rubbed out, and the T.F. put over it; some good ruffled Shirts, and several good Coats, Waistcoats, &c. thought not to be their own, as they are very fine, and not made fit for the Men. It is apprehended there are more of them in a Gang, as two Men, unknown, were lately at Mr. Rush's, a Gun smith, enquiring for six Pair of Pocket Pistols, to make up twelve Pair, having as they said, got the six Pair at some other Place...
July 17, 1740
The Pennsylvania Gazette
WILLIAM SAUNDERS, Gunsmith, IS Removed from his House in Second street, to the upper End of Market street, at the Sign of the GUN, a little above the House of JOHN KINSEY, Esq; Where there are to be sold, very good GUNS, well Stock'd and Lock'd, at reasonable Prices. He likewise takes in Guns to clean, stock, or mend, &c. which he performs in the cheapest and best Manner.
January 4, 1732
The Pennsylvania Gazette
THESE are to give Notice to all Persons who have left any Guns in the Hands of Duncan Makenzie Gunsmith of Philadelphia, to repair to the Shop of John Lee in Second Street over against Mr. Andrew Bradford's next Door to Mr. Nathaniel Edgecome's, where they may have them upon paying the Charges; or otherwise, 40 Days after Date hereof, they will be put up at publick Vendue and sold by Order of Alexander Mckenzie, Attorney for the said Duncan Mckenzie.
Mention of the term, “Gun Mounting.”
October 3, 1765
The Pennsylvania Gazette
To be sold by the Subscriber, living at the Crown, Cannister and Handsaw, in Second street, between Market and Chestnut streets, for cash or short credit, at reasonable rates... anvils, beek irons, sledge and hand hammers; standing bench and hand vizes, mill, cross cut, hand, tennant, sash, dovetail and compass saws of several sorts; AC No. 3 London steel; sheet iron, cart boxes, iron pots, brass kettles, tin in boxes; brass and iron wire, brass and iron candlesticks of various kinds and sizes, scale beams, scales and weights, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 inch H and HL hinges; door, desk, drawer, chest, book case, prospect, closet, trunk, gun, pad and horse locks of various sorts, plate bolts from 2 to 12 inches; brass knob and thumb latches; pen, pistol cap, cutteau, pruning, butcher, shoe and table knives, and forks; table, dovetail, chest, desk and strap hinges; a large assortment of joiners tools and brass furniture; silvered and tinned coffin anvils, all kinds of files and rasps, carpenters, coopers and shoemakers tools of all sorts; taylors, glovers and sheep shears; all sorts of screws, screw plates, hand irons, shovels, tongs and bellows, frying and warming pans, gridirons, griddles; temple and Dutch spectacles; an assortment of sadlery; slates and pencils; box and steel coffee and pepper metals, chest handles, keyrings and swivels, snuffers, half inch, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6d battin, clout and trunk nails; 8, 12, 14 and 16 ounce tacks, tinned ditto, spurs, ivory and horn combs, gimblets, bong and tap borers, wood and wire rat and mouse traps, shoe and knee buckles, scissars, brass cocks, curtain rings, silver watches, watch keys, seals, glasses, pendants and springs; cheese tasters, an assortment of pewter, sad and box irons, hob and pump nails, gun mounting, compass dials, black and tinned curry combs, sash line, pullies and weights, box iron stands, brass inkpots, a large assortment of fish hooks and lines, sewing and knitting needles of several sorts, bed screws, sadlers strainers, ready wrought tin of several sorts, bullet and swan shot moulds, quart and pint black jacks, razors and hones, rag, Crumb creek and oil stones, flints, fire steels, cloak pins, cotton and wool cards, London and American glue, allom, sulphur, brimstone, copperas, madder, chalk, emery, Spanish brown, red, white and bar lead; powder and shot, magnes, yellow oker, antimony, litharge, umber, Prussian blue, verdigrease, vermilion, logwood, braziletto, ground redwood, rosin, salt petre, pepper, alspice, cloves, cinnamon, mace, nutmegs, camphire, gum arabick, gum dragon, blue and white vitriol, ink powder, powder blue, aloes, cream of tartar, borax, Epsom salts, Godfreycordial, Batemandrops, hungary water, lamp black, linseed oil, pipes, spirits of turpentine, varnish... and sundry other things not mentioned. JONATHAN ZANE.
February 11, 1762
The Pennsylvania Gazette
Imported in the last Vessels from England, by SIMON and HENRY, And to be sold very cheap for Cash or short Credit, at their Hardware Store, at the Corner of King street, next Door to Mr. Matthias Slough, Tavernkeeper, near the Courthouse, in LANCASTER, Ironmongers goods, locks, latches, hinges, bolts, wood screws, nails, frying pans, box irons, sad irons, shovels and tongs, &c. fenders, candlesticks, snuffers, tinder boxes, saws, plains, edge tools, hammers, axes, hatchets, bills, hoes, scythes, augers, dogs, scale beams, gimblets, anvils, bellows, vizes, rasps, shovels, spades, trowels, brass cocks, brass candlesticks, clock pins, sconces, handles, escutcheons, &c, guns, swords, cutlasses, hammer heads, pistols, horse bells, iron plate, hard ware... and numerous other articles, too tedious to mention.
September 29, 1768
The Pennsylvania Gazette
Just imported in the last vessels from London and Bristol, and to be sold by the subscriber, at the sign of the Crown, Cannister and Handsaw, in Second street, between Market and Chestnut streets, a large and general assortment of MERCHANDIZE, among which are the following articles, viz... red and white lead, Spanish brown and whiting, yellow oaker, venetian red, verdigrease, vermilion, Prussian blue, antimony, magnes, madder, ground and stick redwood, bar logwood, fustick, galls, English glue, salt petre, allom, copperas... best steel plate, hand, pannel, tennent, sash, dovetail, and compass saws, common steel ditto, wood cutters, crosscut and mill saws, a very large assortment of smiths and other files and rasps, augers, gouges, chissels, plain and jointer irons, iron squares, carpenters hammers, shingling hatchets, carpenters, joyners, and coopers adzes, hatchets and axes, small house hatchets, drawing knives, and spoke sheaves, center, dowelling, taper and spool bitts, coopers and carpenters iron and steel compasses, turners chissels and gouges, foot, 18 inches, and two feet rules, two feet scales, wood and brass feet size sticks, folding yards, gunter sliding rules, brassnob and ring front door latches, brass front door knockers, brass and iron rimmed, brass nobbed, and ring inside door locks and latches, variety of single and double shot stock locks, strait and crooked round and flat plate bolts, brass knobbed ditto, hooks and hinges, H, HL, and T hinges, chest ditto, black and bright padlocks, desk, drawer, book case, trunk, saddle bag and portmanteau ditto, hasps and staples, table butt hinges... single and double wormed gun screws, gun mounting, pocket and compass dials, fire steels, a large assortment of flat and round head wood screws, screw drivers... smiths standing vizes, black and bright bench and hand ditto, anvils, beck irons, strait and cross pained sledges and hand hammers, rivetting ditto, best London steel, bar iron.... common, half and whole bridle gun locks... &c. &c. &c. JONATHAN ZANE. N.B. All persons indebted to the subscriber, beyond their contracts, are requested to discharge the same, to prevent disagreeable measures.
June 4, 1767
The Pennsylvania Gazette
...All Persons indebted to the Estate of James Donaldson, Brass Founder, late of Philadelphia deceased, are desired to make speedy Payment; and those who have any Demands against the said Estate, are desired to bring in their Accounts proved, that they may be paid by HANNAH DONALDSON, and ARTHUR DONALDSON, Execut. N.B. Said Hannah Donaldson continues the Founder Business at the same Sign, and has now on Hand an Assortment of Brass Fire Dogs of the neatest Kind, Pump Chambers, Candlesticks, Handiron Heads, Bells, Gun mounting, a Quantity of Buckles, &c. &c. Also an Assortment of Brass and Copper Kettles, Saucepans, Stewpans, Warmingpans, Iron Fire Shovels and Tongs, Candlesticks and Snuffers, &c. all of which will be sold at the most reasonable Rates.
Items of Interest found in the Pennsylvania Gazette - Part III