Johannes / John Rupp of Macungie:  Tax Assessments.

Rupp entries in Macungie tax assessments, 1761 through 1807.

(All notations have been taken directly from original images either on microfilm or via photographs of original lists.  Special thanks to Dr. Scott Paul Gordon, Lehigh University.  For some years, there are duplicate lists surviving and I have included details of both. Microfilm images used are held by PHMC, microfilm roll 331, and photographed images used are of original taxation books held in two boxes at HSP.  Assorted loose lists have long been available via the Northampton County courthouse in Easton, PA, although they may have been cataloged/indexed at this point.)

1761 (first year surviving for Northampton County):

George Rup - 2 pounds.

For the house he lives in - 5 pounds.


Georg Rub - 2 pounds.


George Rup - 2 pounds.


George Rup - looks like 12 pounds but damaged at bottom corner.

1765 initial list:

George Rup - 14 pounds.

1765 detailed list (first year any detail):

George Rup.  Cultivated land:  50 acres, uncultivated land:  150 acres, 3 horses/mares, 4 horned cattle, 5 sheep.

1766 (not alphabetical):

George Rup - 14 pounds.

1766 detailed list (first year w/ some trades listed):

George Rub.  Farmer, Cultivated land:  50 acres, uncultivated land:  130 acres, 4 horses or mares, 4 horned cattle, 4 sheep.


George Rub - 20 pounds.


George Rub - 20 pounds.


George Rub, Farmer.  Cultivated land:  50 acres, uncultivated land:  150 acres, 2 horses/mares, 2 horned cattle.

Macungie township:  "France Rup" (Single Freemen)

Lehigh township:  another "France Rup" (Single Freemen).  Who was France Rup?  Both are listed the same year - 1772 - and both noted as single.  Were there two?  I first thought that perhaps this was a mistake, but by the taking of the 1790 census, there was a "Francess Roop" and also a "Franciss Roop" both listed in Hempfield twp., Westmoreland Co. PA.  I believe these are the same two men, possibly a father and son or possibly cousins.  They do not appear (at the present time) to be related to the Macungie Rupp nuclear family under discussion, but I found it sufficiently interesting enough to make note of it here.


George Rup.  Cultivated land:  70 acres, uncultivated land:  130 acres.  4 horses/mares, 4 horned cattle, 6 sheep.


No Rupp entries.


George Rup - 5 pounds, 14 shillings, 9 pence.


George Rupp - 5 pounds, 14 shillings, 9 pence.

Herman Rupp (Single Freemen) - 2 pounds, 10 shillings.


George Rupp (listed under "Names of Singlemen.")

Herman Rupp (listed under "Names of Singlemen.")


Herman Roop.  280 acres, 2 horses, 3 cows.  3 pounds.

Andrew Roop.  100 acres, 2 horses, 1 cow.  19 shillings, 9 pence.

George Rupp (Single Freemen).  12 shillings.


Herman Rupp.  1 pound, 16 shillings, 4 pence.

Andrew Rupp.  10 shillings, 8 pence.


Herman Rupp.  260 acres, 4 horses, 4 cows.  2 pounds, 10 shillings.

Andrew Rupp.  100 acres, 2 horses, 2 cows.  15 shillings.

George Rupp (Single Freemen).  11 shillings.


Herman Rupp.  1 pound, 5 shillings.

Andrew Rupp.  7 shillings.


Herman Rupp.  2 pounds, 9 shillings.

Andrew Rupp.  14 shillings.

George Rupp (Single Freemen).  10 shillings.

John Rupp (Single Freemen).  10 shillings.

1789 alternate list, February 1789 - some trades listed:

Herman and Andrew as per above, spelled "Rup."

George Rup ("Singlemen") - no trade

John Rup ("Singlemen") - trade listed as "Smith."


Herman Rupp.  16 shillings, 4 pence.

Andrew Rupp.  4 shillings, 8 pence.

George Rupp added in above Herman in small print.  8 pence.

John Rupp (Single Freemen).  6 shillings.

George Rupp crossed out of Single Freemen.  6 shillings.


(acreage seems to be reversed in comparison with 1787 list - ?)

Andrew Rup.  No trade, 260 acres.  3 horses, 4 cattle.

Herman Rup.  “Smid.”  No acreage listed, 1 cattle.


Rup, Herman and John (taxed jointly - very odd).  280 acres, trade (for both?) noted as "Smit."

1798 Direct Tax:

(See article for entirety of information - this was a complex series of assessments and I do not claim to fully understand all of it.)

Herman Rupp.  Dwelling house, 1 log barn, 1 "outhouse appurtenant," 140 acres.

John Rupp.  Dwelling house, 1 unfinished log barn, 140 acres.

Andrew Rupp.  Living in dwelling owned by John Lichtenwalter on 154 acres, 1 barn.


Herman Rupp, trade listed as "Gunsmith."

John Rupp, trade listed as "Smith."

Herman Rupp is also listed as one of the assessors for this year.

(The above, 1807, is the last notation I have been able to find for John on any surviving assessment list.)